Difference Between File Processing System and Database Approach
In the traditional file-based approach, many organization exclusively used file processing systems to store and manage data. In this file processing system, each unit or department in an organization has its own set of sperate files and the records are grouped based on their categories. The data in one file may not relate to the data in any other file.
When an organization uses the database approach, it allows many programs and users share the data in the database. Authorized users can access, retrieve and select data by a single query from the database. As shown in the below image, various areas within the school share and interact with the data in the database.
File processing data weaknesses
Data Redundancy – Data redundancy occur when the same data items are stored in multiple files due to each unit or department in an organization has its own sperate files in the file processing system. For example, the Student contract file and the Student file store the same students’ names and addresses.
Wastes resources- Duplicating data in this way is a waste of storage space and people’s time. This is because file maintenance tasks require people to spend time in updating or deleting multiple files that contain the same data whenever the data is modified. It also Increases the chance of errors. If a student changes his or her telephone numbers, for example, the school must update the student contract file. If no change is made in all the files where the data stored, then inconsistencies among the files exist.
Isolated Data – Isolated data increase the difficulty in accessing the data that stored in separate files in different departments. For example, to send an email to a teacher regarding the student's academic program progress, data is needed from both the Student name file and Student performance file. Sharing data from multiple and separate files is a complicated procedure especially when there are many files involved.
What is the strength of the database approach?
Reduced Data Redundancy – Most data or records are stored in only one file, which will greatly reduce duplicate data that might lead to confusion and mishandling.
Improved Data Integrity – When users modify data in the database, they can directly make changes to one file instead of multiple files. Therefore, the mismatch in different copies of same data will not occur. This database approach increases the quality and data’s integrity by reducing the possibility of causing inconsistencies.
Shared Data – The data in a database is shared among by multiple users who have access to the system. Organizations that use databases typically have security settings to define who can access, add, modify, and delete the data in a database.
Easier Access – The database approach allows nontechnical users to access, maintain and even develop smaller database without professional assistance.
Reduced Development Time – It often is easier and faster to develop programs that use the database approach.